By Erika George & Kari McGee, July 30, 2018

You know how you have those periods when everyone from your past seems to come into your focus?  This summer has been that for me.   My phone, email & jaunts around town have been buzzing with blasts from my South Salem High School past!  So when my Salem OR childhood friend Cathy called me from Colorado to say that she missed Oregon and wanted to come home I was so excited to start looking at houses for her!

The art of a good long distance video tour has been an important tool in our toolbox these past few years for all of our  “out-of-area” buyers, but looking at houses with someone you’ve known since the 5th grade is a whole other ball game!  You know that narrative of your whole life that informs everything you see and do but very few people share with you and think you are either 1.  crazy when you talk about it, or 2. really boring because who really cares about what happened to you that one day in Ms. Flory’s class that was so hilarious.  But with Cathy, I could say almost every darn thing that popped into my head and I traveled through my real estate day:  “Oh my gosh, it’s totally like that Japanese soaking tub in Zoe’s parents bathroom!”  or, “Bazooka GUNS!!” (hilarity ensues) and Cathy was right there with me.  And when Cathy said:  “I want that NW Style house, with tons of trees and skylights and privacy – kind of like my parents house.”  I totally knew what she meant.

As a matter of fact, the whole experience just kind of conjured up my whole childhood and affirmed so much of the why and who I am today!  So thank you Cathy Mace.  We can’t wait to have you and your family back in Oregon where you belong!

Don’t even ask us what graduating class…



Erika George & Kari McGee

Broker-Esquire | Principal Broker | Seniors Real Estate Specialists | OR

Meet cousins Erika George and Kari McGee - the highly skilled HouseLovePDX Team at Living Room Realty in Portland, OR. 

Broker Erika George brings to the table 20 years of experience as an attorney specializing in construction and contracts, and 10 incredible years of real estate success stories.  Principal Broker Kari McGee is an 11-year Portland Monthly 5-Star Realtor®  with almost 20 years of real estate experience under her belt. As Seniors Real Estate Specialists (SRES®) we love to put our superpowers to work to help all kinds of folks transition to new chapters with compassion, expert guidance, and a customized plan.

Here are our Top Five Favorite Things to do for you:

1.  Ask you questions (lots of questions!) and actually listen to your answers. 2.  Show out-of-area Buyers all the fun neighborhoods and important spots that make the Portland Metro area special. 3.  Crack you and ourselves up with funny photos and random moments of hilarity that pop up in a day of touring homes or after a long day of listing preparation chores! 4.  Negotiate and advocate strenuously for you and your goals. 5.  Celebrate the many (big and small) milestones in a real estate sale or purchase. 6.  Watch your life grow and change after the sale closes, and be there for you when you need us. ps - oh how we adore your "look at what we did to this house" photos!  And lunch. We also adore lunching with you.  (Yes, we know, that's two in one and we're already at six...). 7.  Make "Top-Five" lists that always have more than 5 top-fives.  Just goes to show you how much we love to exceed your expectations! We would be honored to help guide you through your changing real estate needs in Portland Oregon. CONTACT Erika George and Kari McGee 503.349.5449 | 971.322.6612  
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  • T: 503-349-5449
  • F: 503-961-8224

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