First time home buyer

Showing 8 of 388 posts with the category "First time home buyer"

Cute Milwaukie Mid-Century

Cristen Lincoln

So cute, so clean, and so full of potential! This lovingly maintained mid-century home has been...

Is it impossible to buy my first home? In this economy? (Spoiler alert: No!)

Jon Gould-Knight

with the right resources and support, homeownership can be more than just something our parents did because the world was different

What To Look For When Touring Homes?

Sofia Gallamore

On the surface, touring homes sounds pretty self-explanatory; you walk in and see if you like...

First Time Home Buyer Class – Virtual & In Person

Jessica Ward

Are you ready to take the leap into homeownership but unsure where to start? If you’re...

Never to late to Congratulate!

Nicole Chavira

Never too late to Congratulate M, M & T! . Another success story of an FHA...

From Homebuyer Class to House Keys: Teresa and Junho’s Story

Sharon Bloudek

Helping Teresa and Junho buy their first home was such a rewarding experience for me. (And...

5 Essential Home Maintenance Skills Every New Homeowner Should Learn

Sally Tansill

Becoming a homeowner is an exciting milestone, but it also comes with a range of responsibilities....

Unlocking the Dream of Homeownership in Portland: A Comprehensive Guide from Offer to Keys

Will Sing

Embarking on the journey to homeownership in Portland, Oregon, is an exciting endeavor. With its vibrant...