Blog Education Sensei Session with Erin Rothrock

Sensei Session with Erin Rothrock

By katebarnett, October 16, 2019

Sensei Session with Erin Rothrock

6/17/20, 4:30pm - 5:30pm



Erin Rothrock is joining us as our first ever second time around Sensei! We continue to get nominations for Erin, and are happy to bring her back! She has been bridging the physical distance gap for the last few years working remotely from Bali. Join us to hear how Erin stays connected and has actually grown her business despite a time difference and thousands of miles between her and Portland, the community she serves. She will also be talking about her sabbatical, the value it brought her and how she kept her clients well served and her business running during that time.
We are in a time of adaptation, and learning news ways to work. We are so pleased to bring you this opportunity to learn from one of Portland’s most seasoned top agents!

The Sensei award is given to those in our industry, and within our greater community, who demonstrate leadership, excellence, and a spirit of generosity. Our recipients share their story at a one-hour award luncheon and drop pearls of wisdom they have learned along the way navigating their success. The luncheon is not formal, and conversation and Q&A are encouraged!

The award is sponsored by Chicago Title. The award will be presented at noon, with a Q&A session to follow. The event will be held via Zoom Meeting. You will receive the link via email the day before.

Kate Barnett

Membership Experience Manager


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