Blog Stories This, That and Always the Other

This, That and Always the Other

By Steve Brian, March 6, 2019

Is free will an illusion? Do we really have a choice? Or are our choices guided by unseen hands toward their inevitable eventualities?

I’m hungry.

And so I face a choice. And its a choice I’m perfectly free to make.

But am I?

I mean am I really? Or am I subject to the little Monster that lives in my stomach and teases me with the illusion of free will?

Do I want a sandwich from East Side Deli?


Or a hot dog from Zach’s Shack?


Wait, no! Por Que No Tacos.


Yes! No. Maybe?

And now that little Monster plays his twisted game with me. Taunting me. It wants all of them, but what is it that I crave? Can I have them all?

No! No? No…

And while I wage this eternal, internal battle, that little Monster only grows hungrier and hungrier, making my situation more and more dire. Now comes the angst, ennui and agita.

I want a sandwich! Yes. But what kind…?

Oh no. Isn’t a hot dog really just a sandwich?

Oh no! So is a taco!

Argh, so hungry. Energy waning — ability to choose diminishing — syntax becoming staccato — punctuation turning…erratic?

Must have food. Must make choice. Okay, Monster, you win — I’ll have all three.


Or do I want sushi?

Steve Brian

Broker | OR


Steve has made his career based on the concept that “service comes first.” He has helped clients buy and sell homes on both sides of the river and has a strong understanding of what it takes to negotiate in a way that allows his clients to feel that their best interests are always at the forefront of the negotiation table. He has worked with first time buyers, upsizers, downsizers and investors alike, priding himself on being able to provide well-informed advice based on the current market and leaving the final decisions up to his clients! After moving to Portland in 2002, Steve bounced around different neighborhoods on the Eastside of Portland and grew a love for straight shots of espresso. He has now planted roots with his family in the Terra Linda neighborhood of NW Portland and is a sucker for a delicious beer on a hot, summer day from one of the many local breweries in Portland. When he’s not wearing his “Steve the REALTOR®” hat, he likes to spend time in the water with his two boys or just put on some mud boots and find some trails to explore. "Service Comes First!"
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  • T: 503-720-2529

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