Blog Stories 6 Creative Ways To Lease A Single-Family Home In A Tough Market

6 Creative Ways To Lease A Single-Family Home In A Tough Market

By Coty Thurman, February 9, 2024

In the challenging landscape of today’s rental market, Living Room, like many others, faced prolonged vacancies in our rental homes during the fourth quarter of 2023. National averages indicated a staggering 47% increase in the time homes spent on the market compared to 2021. To address these challenges, it’s essential to employ a blend of creativity and strategic thinking. In this newsletter, we’ll delve into six innovative strategies aimed at setting your property apart and attracting quality renters, even in the most competitive environments.

1. Expand Your Pet Policy: Consider broadening your tenant pool by accommodating individuals with three or more pets. In a market where pet-friendly options are scarce for such households, this move can distinguish your listing. Highlight your property’s pet-friendly features and establish clear guidelines for responsible pet ownership, positioning your property as a sought-after option in the rental market. 🐶 🐱 🐶

2. Reduce or Flex Upfront Move-in Costs and Deposits: Ease the financial burden on tenants by offering reduced deposits and move-in fees. Providing flexibility in deposit payments through a spread-out payment plan over the initial months of their lease makes your property more accessible. This demonstrates a commitment to working with tenants, addressing upfront costs, and broadening your property’s appeal to a wider range of renters. 💵

3. Increase Traffic and Allow for Self-Guided Tours: 3. Increase Traffic and Allow for Self-Guided Tours: Enhance accessibility by offering self-guided tours during evenings, weekends, and holidays to accommodate diverse schedules. Utilize innovative solutions provided by companies like ShowmojoTenant Turner and Rently, which offer software and digital lockboxes, streamlining the self-guided tour process and showcasing a commitment to modern tools enhancing the rental experience. 🔑

4.  Invest in Professional Photos to Showcase Your Home: Capture your home’s essence with professional photos to create a positive first impression. While video and 3-D tours can be beneficial, statistics show that a minimum of four high-quality photos can drive interest and visits to the property. These visuals significantly increase the likelihood of attracting potential tenants drawn to the visual representation of your home..📸

5. Utilize Social Media: Zillow and are great tools but nothing beats a personal referral from a sphere of people who know, like and trust you. Leverage social media to expand your reach beyond traditional listing platforms. Encourage followers to share your rental listing with incentives like free coffee or cocktail gift cards. Maintain an active online presence by promptly responding to inquiries and providing additional information, enhancing your property’s visibility and appeal in the competitive rental market. 💻

6. Stay Current with Rent Trends – Don’t Get Stuck in “What Happened Last Year”: Avoid pricing your rental based on outdated information. Align your rent with the current market competition while avoiding comparisons with properties sitting on the market for extended periods. Utilize online resources like Zillow & to track rapidly moving homes. Adjusting your rent may seem drastic, but it’s preferable to enduring months of vacancy and associated risks. Did you know Living Room Property Management provides free rental assessments for houses, condos and ADUs throughout all of the Portland Metro region? 📉 📈 

Conclusion: By incorporating these six strategic solutions and adapting them to your property’s unique features, you can increase your chances of finding the perfect tenant. Stay flexible, responsive, and forward-thinking to thrive in today’s competitive rental landscape. Happy renting!

Coty Thurman

President & Licensed Principal Broker of Property Management


As of January 2024, I am thrilled to announce that I have assumed the role of President at Living Room Property Management, marking another milestone in my journey within the real estate industry. With over two decades of experience in real estate, my career trajectory has been one of continual growth and learning. From my early days as a leasing agent to eventually becoming a Property Manager and Regional Trainer, I have honed my skills and expertise in property management. My experience overseeing multi-million dollar multi-family communities across various locations, including the Portland Metro area, the Bay Area in California, and Boulder, Colorado, has equipped me with invaluable insights into the intricacies of this field. I am deeply passionate about the nuances of property management—the problem-solving, organization, and implementation of systems necessary for success. I am committed to leading an ethical, trustworthy, and knowledgeable team to effectively manage our rental portfolio. Whether it's navigating the complexities of Oregon landlord-tenant laws or optimizing our client's investment portfolio, I am always eager to tackle new challenges head-on. Diversity and inclusion lie at the heart of my leadership philosophy. As a biracial woman who has experienced firsthand the importance of representation and inclusivity, I am committed to fostering environments where individuals from all backgrounds feel valued and empowered. By actively seeking out and supporting diverse talent, I aim to create a workplace that celebrates the unique perspectives and contributions of each team member. My roots run deep in Portland, having grown up in the Montavilla neighborhood and attended Marshall High School. Alongside my high school sweetheart turned husband, I am raising two wonderful children and a beloved dog in the eastern suburb of Fairview. Surrounded by supportive family and friends, I am grateful for the community that has helped shape both my personal and professional journey. Outside of work, you can often find me enjoying quality time with my family on our back porch, attending live comedy and theater with friends, exploring the city's vibrant culinary scene, or immersing myself in the music and culture at outdoor concerts. Whether cheering on my kids at their sporting events or belting out tunes from the Hamilton soundtrack during a scenic drive, I cherish every moment spent embracing life's adventures.
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