4 things to do before starting the home buying process

Buying a home in a competitive sellers market can seem intimidating. But with a good deal of preparation, education and the right real estate team to support you, you can be highly successful.

Here are 4 things you should do prior to shopping for homes:

⚫️ Meet with a lender ASAP.

Having an initial conversation with a lender about where you are financially, where you need to go and how to get there will save you so much time and headaches.

If you don’t have a go to lender, your realtor (aka me 🙋🏼‍♀️) can send you a few recommendations.

⚫️ Get really clear on your home wants and communicate them to who ever you may be buying with and with your real estate team.

This will also save you so much time as there is no sense in us looking at homes without a fireplace if a fireplace is a necessity to you.

⚫️ If you are starting the home buying process but don’t plan to buy for a while, look into opening a high yield savings account and put your downpayment funds and other expenses for the purchase in it.

That way you will have a specific place for saving up for your home purchase AND you will make great interest on the money adding to your funds to purchase.

⚫️ Connect with a realtor as soon as possible.

Even if you don’t plan to purchase a home for some time, the earlier you meet with a realtor the more time they have to educate you on the process.

I just met with a couple last week who don’t plan to buy till 2025 this had me excited as we have so much time to talk about the ins and outs of the home buying process, research the types of homes that could best meet there needs, and we can watch the market trends so they are clued into how homes in their area of interest are performing in the market.

If you are wanting to co-create your winning home buying strategy I am here for you. You can find my contact info below. I look forward to talking with you!