Seeing The Stars & Recognizing My Privilege

In his final speech, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said “But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars.” We are indeed seeing stars shine in these weeks of nationwide protests challenging the status quo of racism and the silent, and too often horribly public, injustices that stem from it.

With the arrival of the summer solstice on June 20th, we’re now in the longest days of the year (and perhaps even our lifetime). Our collective consciousness is being tested — and refreshed — and hopefully moving toward a new reality where BIPOC communities will be treated fairly and equally by our fellow citizens and by public institutions, law enforcement and economic policies. There is much work to be done, but these long days give us time to make the most of the light every day.

I recognize my distinct privileges and will work to more actively leverage them to end racism in all its forms and reallocate our public budgets to more fairly fund equitable, fundamental and humane policies and services. Each month for the rest of this year, I will match and donate 100% of my marketing budget to local and national organizations fighting to end racism, promote human rights, and preserve civil liberties.

This month, I’m proudly donating to the Fair Housing Council of Oregon, a statewide civil rights organization whose mission is to eliminate housing discrimination through access to enforcement and education.

Learn more about their work here:



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