Sold! Sweat Equity Pays Off in Glenfair

Congratulations to my Seller, Chris, on the sale of his home in the small NE neighborhood of Glenfair!

Chris and his sweetheart Whitney worked with me just over two years to purchase this home. With a tight budget but lots of know-how, we were looking for cosmetic fixers. When we made an offer on this house, it was filled with junk and unrecognizable.

This sale goes to show the power of sweat equity and great marketing. Over the past two years, they put hours of work into this home, doing the majority of the repairs and upgrades themselves. These included: replacing some windows, replacing interior trim, removing old carpet and flooring, fresh coats of interior and exterior paint, landscaping, and lots of smaller repairs.

Throw in some professional staging and photos, add weeks of analyzing comps for strategic pricing, and a bit of luck in timing the market. The result is multiple offers, an “as-is” sale, and happy parties on both sides. My clients are stoked the house is going to FHA first-time buyers with a low down payment. They aren’t mad about netting over $50K on their investment in just two years, either!

Chris and Whitney will be heading to Ohio next month, where their money can buy a lot more house. Maybe even one that’s turn-key. Cheers to sweat equity and new beginnings!