Never Have I Ever…

Mary Ann came to me as a referral from one of my favorite clients to date, I already knew I would love her based on that. As we toured her home for the pre-listing walk through, I began to jot down my regular notes: take down posters, narrow down decorations, put away unnecessary kitchen counter top appliances, yadda yadda. She was clearly making mental notes as well, and I could see she was up for the challenge. We cruised through her (incredible!) theatre toward her master bedroom, her sweet pup- Phinn, trailing close behind. Mary Ann watched me closely as I peeked into each closet accessing its future. As I reached the master bedroom I saw her grin and mumble “uhhh open that one slowly… I have kind of a shoe thing…”. You guys. I’ve never seen so many shoes in all of my life! Nordstrom has nothing on Mary Ann! She had neatly lined each pair up row after row after row, after row… after row. I closed my gaping mouth, gave her my punch list and prayed to all of the listening shoe Gods. I returned a week later to finalize the listing and almost fell over dead, SHE DID IT! Mary Ann did every single thing I asked! Talk about dream client!! All of the hard work paid off 7 days later when she got her offer and we sailed into a smooth closing. Congratulations Mary Ann! Thank you for trusting me and letting me participate in your move to the next chapter!