Moving to the Country…

Hi, Readers!

With increased frequency, I am hearing from buyers interested in moving to the country. My theory is COVID recalibrated home for a lot of us, reset our lifestyles and redefined what we truly need from the concept of home. No longer are we tethered to the commute — as long as there is fast Internet available life can go on basically uninterrupted. We yearn for more room to roam. We want the simpler life. OK. “We” means me. 👩‍🌾

Which leads me to the fact that recently, I’m doing a lot of business in beautiful Corbett. Corbett, if you don’t know, is an incredible town that is on the Historic Columbia Scenic Route on the way to the glorious Gorge, home to Oxbow Park and the Vista House. It’s also where you’ll find a terrific, nostalgic drive through, Sugar Pine, which has legendary ice cream cones. I’ve enjoyed my time there, being able to stop with my kid Tycho and take a dip in the Sandy on hot days.

And I’ve definitely enjoyed being able to help find the new owners of a gorgeous Craftsman on Mershon Road, which I lovingly called The Rose of Corbett. This house has so much heart, you guys. The seller is a master craftsman who hand-hewn the woodwork. The paint and fixtures were all carefully chosen to pay homage to the era of the home. The barn is the stuff of legends, with a darling chicken coop and stained glass windows. It is the type of place you just feel good in. Ahhhh.

I’m so grateful to be able to go back to my roots of wandering the countryside and help people find home outside the hustle of the city.

If you’re curious about what buying land or rural property involves, please reach out. I can talk septic systems all day. OK, maybe not all day, but I know a lot about ’em. I’ll even treat you to an ice cream.

Till then, high fives,

Corbett Mid-Century Home Swept Off the Market

We just sold this gorgeous mid-century home, located off the Historic Columbia River Highway in Corbett. Untouched for decades, this time capsule retains its historic charm, including vaulted tongue and groove wood ceilings, fir and cedar woodwork, vintage finishes, large picture windows, and a spectacular stacked flagstone fireplace. The folks who bought it are going to honor the historic features of the home, but do some work to make it their own, we’re sure. Like many homes on the market, especially coveted mid-century houses, this property sold for $40,000 above the listing price. Here are the details:

  • List Price:  $820,000
  • Sold Price: $860,000
  • 3 Offers
  • 6 Days on Market (In this case we extended the market time to make sure folks had time to drive out to Corbett!)

Take a peek at this mid-century gem:

View from back of house

View of back of house

Living room

Dining View


It’s all about the VIEW!

Last summer, our client, Rick, decided to leave the city behind in search for more land and beautiful views!  Within weeks he found the perfect Corbett home, with stunning views of the Columbia Gorge.

Of course, there was a slight catch — he had to sell his house first.  We weren’t sure the sellers were going to accept his contingent offer given that they had other non-contingent offers in hand.  However, good communication and flexibility won the day and the sellers accepted his offer.  Luckily, his darling Rose City Park house sold in a flash, and, last week, during the most heinous smoky air conditions the greater Portland area has ever experienced, he closed on the Corbett house.

Normally, handing clients the keys to their new house is the best part of our day.  Well, in this case, it was still exciting but there was a little “Wah Wah” about it, as this is the view to which we were greeted.

Luckily, Rick’s spirits were not dampened, and he reported last weekend that, once the smoke cleared, he was treated to the most wonderful view sipping his coffee on Sunday morning.

Congratulations Rick for taking action to make your Corbett dreams come true!  We know you are going love you new home and will undoubtably enjoy many more cups of coffee enjoying the natural beauty of the Columbia Gorge!