Hiring Great Contractors

So many of us are planning work on our homes right now. Ensuring you make the right contractor hiring decision is essential right now. And if you think it’s just about making sure they do quality work, that is only part of it. I shared some tips. with Kara Mack from Afternoon Live about what to consider and look out for. See the full 7 minute interview here

Great Contractors

Have great reputations

    1. Stand behind their work when problems show up- and people rave about them. DON’T just look at online reviews- businesses tend to ask for reviews from clients when things go well, not when they don’t
    2. Reliable

** Bad contractors tend talk about themselves more than others talk about them

Organized and good with the basics

    1. Have a schedule, and communicate when they will be able to do the work
    2. Do what they say they are going to do, including show up for the estimate on time, and get you an estimate when they say they will.
    3. May have an office person who keeps track of the schedule and communicates all necessary information.

** Bad contractors aren’t great at following through on the basics

Experts and resourceful

    1. Listen to you, meet you where you are, and present curiosity and interest in your project
    2. Do not treat your project like its just like all of the rest
    3. Willing to share why they recommend an approach or certain products
    4. Tailor their proposal to your interests, and not just what they are used to doing

** Bad contractors have a blanket approach based on what they usually do

One more tip: The clearer you are on the scope of work, and confidence you present that the project WILL be happen, the more interested contractors will be in working with you.

Buying a Home Vs. Remodeling The One You Have

I talked with Kara Mack on Afternoon Live today about whether people should buy a new house or remodel the one they have. It’s worth diving into a little bit because home prices, building materials, and contractor prices are all up this year. Below are some things to consider. To watch the 5 minute clip, click here
  1. Get honest about what really doesn’t work about your current house.
    1. Enough space
    2. Outdated
    3. Location
  2. If a remodel could work, get estimates
    1. Costs of some building materials have increased exponentially over the past year (lumber)
    2. Demand for remodel has gone up, contractors are busy, and their time is worth more than a year ago as well.
    3. Determine a realistic timeline- most materials are coming late.
  3. Planning to Buy
    1. Home prices in the Portland area are up 17% from a year ago. For a $500k house, that’s $85k more
    2. Since 2/3’s of houses sell in the first week, you will have to compete
    3. You may have to be willing to pay more than the appraiser says it’s worth, so make sure you’re planning to live there for a while

If you decide to remodel your current home, check out some tips on Hiring Great Contractors

Stage Before Selling, Even in Today’s Market

I talked with Kara Mack on Afternoon Live today about the importance of professionally staging houses before selling them. Even when the feeling is everything will sell no matter what because of the low housing inventory, staging will draw in more interest, and get more return on your investment.

To get all of the tips, check out my 6 minute interview with Kara here

Here are some of the highlights:
* Designed by experts, a staged house will look better than most buyers will decorate or furnish it themselves
* Staging showcases how to functionally use awkward spaces and rooms
* Buyers will be taken over by their great experience being in a staged house, and not be looking for what’s not right with the place.

Before and After Staging

Before and After Staging Bedroom

Before and After Staging Small House

Staging is one of the four tips I give to sell your house faster and for more money. Check out the other three here