Momma Stories with Jenelle Isaacson

Momma Stories is a podcast featuring the stories and strength from moms about the adventure that is motherhood created by Sarah Baker. Sarah truly believes that moms sharing their stories can be so empowering and helps them to know they aren’t alone, they are enough, and they are loved.

On Sarah’s recent journey to Portland she sat down with Living Room’s own Jenelle Isaacson, a mom of two sweet girls. Jenelle has gone from punk rocker, to using those skills and experiences to launch her own incredibly successful Real Estate company. She shares how her focus on experience rather than the results can make a huge difference. Jenelle talks about how that lead her to focus on her community and building a business that truly cares for its people, their clients, and even the environment. Jenelle is a true Mompreneur and has a ton of great ideas and inspiration to share.

Listen to the episode now!

After 10 Years, Living Room Looks to Keep Portland Cool – and Housed

A decade ago, Jenelle Isaacson was selling real estate in Portland for the Hasson Co.

A Portland native who’d once been in a punk band called Spread Eagle, Isaacson had many clients who were connected to both the Portland music scene and several cooler local companies carving out their niches at the time, including Stumptown Coffee.

She liked how Stumptown created a whole culture around coffee while also treating its employees differently. “Here was an employer who took care of their employees, honoring their creative life and letting them pursue that,” Isaacson said, “and then also offering them wages and benefits so that they were actually able to buy homes and change their whole financial futures. I was really inspired by taht and some other businesses at the time.”

No one, however, was doing that in real estate.

“There wasn’t a Portland brand that reflected the community of Portland that I was living in and working with,” Isaacson said. “I was like, ‘Wait a minute. How come we’re not showing same-sex couples on our website? Why aren’t we showing single women and showing all the funky ways that people are living here?’ I mean, these were the people who were buying homes here…but the real estate kept showing the same white picket fence kind of fantasy and I’m like, ‘Who the hell are those people?”

So, in the fall of 2008, just as the market had collapsed into the Great Recession, Isaacson set out on her own, founding Living Room Realty. A decade later, Living Room has become one of the metro region’s 10 largest firms, based on sold-dollar volume. It hosts six offices with 130-plus agents, and it’s expanded its offerings to include buying, selling, property management, commercial real estate, tenant placement, and city tours.

Through it all, Living Room has kept its unique approach. “I mean, that’s our work,” Isaacson said. “Maintaining that and staying true to who we are.”

Good in the ‘Hood

Despite the rough market in which Living Room started, the company grew almost from the get-go. Isaacson said foot traffic around her Northeast Alberta Street office, next to the popular brunch spot Tin Shed, kept things humming.

“People were just streaming in all the time and it helped us have business when there was no business,” she said.

Whereas some real estate agencies would cherry-pick clients to showcase on their websites, Isaacson featured all of her clients, rough edges, idiosyncrasies and all, to better reflect the larger Portland community. She also played up Living Room’s commitment to Portland’s distinct neighborhoods, all of which began to appeal to both more clients and more REALTORS® looking to join a different kind of firm.

By 2015, Living Room employed more than 60 agents in three offices. By then, Isaacson had also figured out a key to Living Room’s continued success, supporting brokers with all the services they need, including marketing, transaction coordination, and other administrative support.

“Agents are really great at selling real estate, as they should be,” she said. “At other real estate companies, you have to wear, like, 15 hats. That doesn’t even make sense.”

“The depth of the support here for agents is pretty incredible,” said Cristen Lincoln, a veteran broker who joined Living Room five years ago.

Both she and Isaacson said Living Room also focuses less on the numbers than other firms. Sales are important, but they’re not everything.

“Here, everybody’s individual success and goals are celebrated,” Lincoln said. “When I came here, I felt like the person I am and the contributor I am to this community is what’s going to be celebrated more than how many sales I have on the board. Interestingly, being in that kind of environment, my sales have gone up.”

Keeping It Personal 

With 10 years behind it, Living Room heads into its second decade poised for more growth. Isaacson said Vancouver will be a big focus for Living Room in the near term as it continues to offer a popular and more affordable option than Portland. She also said there’s lots of room for growth in Living Room’s property management division and its tenant placement services.

The company will continue trying to make Portland more equitable, in part by seeking more diverse agents for its ranks. Thanks to its extensive documentation of its processes, the Living Room model could work in other cities nationally, but that’s not yet happened.

One thing Isaacson said Living Room will always do, however, is continue sharing the stories of the communities it serves.

“You can go back on our website and see every story, all these thousands of people who have moved here,” she said. “Why did they move here? What were they looking for? What their story is. That’s really fun to me. It’s really delightful for me to think about what the next 10 years of stories are going to look like.”


Article by Jon Bell, originally published in the Biz Journal. Read the full article HERE. 

How Punk Rock Helped Me Rock the Business World

On the Road 

After graduating from college, I started a punk band called Spread Eagle with three girlfriends. I was the lead singer and played guitar. It wasn’t that we loved punk rock; it was just all we could play. That’s the beauty of punk rock. You don’t need much skill. You just need something to say and the courage to scream it. For the next two years, I screamed, yelled, and sang in clubs and dive bars from Seattle to Los Angeles, Austin to Chicago and everywhere in between.

You might think this was a detour from my life as a business owner and entrepreneur, but, really, it was just the beginning.

At 22, I was negotiating contracts, marketing our band, managing budgets, creating and selling merchandise and getting comfortable leading a crowd. And, just as in business, I was negotiating sexism. In those two years, it became clear that I’d earned a Master of Business Administration on the road and obtained the skills -and grit- requited to build and run a business. I also gained confidence knowing I could rock anything in heels.

Going Solo 

Fast forward 10 years, and I had the vision and idea to start Living Room Realty after being a real estate broker for a few years. I saw a need for a new real estate company that would help its clients make room to live. I saw a need for a company that could reclaim the home as a place to live, build community and celebrate our lives – not just a short term investment. It was a simple idea to flip the focus from house to the people.

It was 2009 and the housing market had just collapsed. I was having a hard time finding money or support for my idea. People told me I was crazy, and I was warned about certain failure and the threat of making myself irrelevant in the market. I felt  everything was against me. I’d get in the car and hear horrible news on the radio about the future of housing and the real estate industry. I finally turned NPR off and Eminem up! My only option was success, not failure.

I refused to back down. You see, punk rockers don’t need permission. They don’t care about standards and rules, and they aren’t waiting to be invited to the table. I decided it was time to put the “band” together and make some noise. I’m always looking for other “punks” – people who are willing to take a chance. In this case, it would be real estate agents who had something to say and, despite the market conditions, wanted to rock. Punk rock taught me that technical proficiency is overrated and, in 2009, I wasn’t going to hire or recruit based on an agent’s current production or numbers as an indicator of their future success. I looked to assemble a team who joyfully served others through community activism, volunteer work, or an organized hobby.

The New Band 

That was 10 years ago. Since then, we’ve grown to 132 agents, 19 staff, six locations, and two states. We’ve won several awards and have been named a best place to work. I’ve had agents come to me and ask, “How did you know I was going to be successful? Why did you take the chance on me?” It was easy, really. My response is usually along the lines of “How many fully tattooed agents are there in Portland?” or “How many agents have a skate ramp in their backyard or bartend lesbian arm wrestling nights?” The bottom line is the same: Each one had a captive audience, authenticity and the trust of a community that no one in our industry was talking to before.

Enabling our agents to be themselves has been a key to our success. Each agent shares client stories on our blog without censorship or Photoshop airbrushing, no matter how funky or non-photogenic our clients are. Each post is headlined on our front page. Some of my favorite client stories include It’s a Gay Gay World, Best Little Whorehouse in Portland, Small House, Big Sexy Man and, my latest favorite, Milwaukee-the Blue Collar Riviera. These are the posts that make their way around the Internet and get shared hundreds of times on social media. Without the advertising dollars of our competitors, we’ve managed to amass more Facebook likes than any other local brokerage and grow from US$35 million to US$350 million in sales in just five years.

Being punk means being raw, unapologetically real and comfortable pissing a few people off. It scared some of our agents initially, thinking we would alienate the higher-end market with these stories and photos. In fact, it did just the opposite, and our web leads result in higher average sales price point than our other deals. When buyers come to our website and see themselves in a story of two women who wanted to find a house with a garage to convert to a “spa-rage,” they’re not thinking about the price point. They are feeling the connection of having their needs and perspective understood. There is humanity and humor, and whether you’re a poor punk or a rich punk, there’s a connection and trust that you don’t get from searching Zillow.

Going Mainstream

You may be thinking, “This is Portland. You can get away with tattoos and punk rock. How does this scale? How does this relate to my own business?” But you’d be missing the point. The reason our brand looks like it does is because it’s a mirror reflecting the people we serve. Living Room looks like a lot of things depending on where you live and how you live. In Carmel, Indiana, it likely looks like Christian book clubs, basketball, and the chaos of raising four kids. My vision is to see this company in every city in America because everyone has a story, a desire to be seen and a need to feel connected and belong. Everyone has the right to love where they live. We ask our community “Where’s Your Living Room?” and celebrate the answer, no matter what it looks like.

I used to end every show with my punk band by saying “I want to thank you all for participating in my rock ‘n’ roll fantasy.” Guess what? I still feel the same way when I go to work and know we have now told more than 3,000 unique stories of people we have helped #MakeRoomToLive here in our community. And I’m certain punk rock fantasies do come true.

By Jenelle Isaacson – Originally published in the Octane Blog: Insights from Leading Entrepreneurs