Bad Movies, Good Cause

When I brag about Portland one of the things I mention are the many wonderful independent movie theaters. My friends will bemoan $15 tickets and over-priced under-sized popcorn while I think fondly of $5 Tuesdays and craft drinks at CineMagic.

These independent theaters have a steep hill ahead of them during the COVID crisis. They can’t open and they’re not what comes to mind first when you think “take-out.” Still, Portland loves its theaters. Watching them adapt and pivot during closure has been inspiring, moving, and often quite humorous.

From gift cards to take out concessions, our theaters are trying all sorts of things. Laurelhurst Theater keeps its marquee up to date with movie quotes and timely calls to justice. The Hollywood Theater, a non-profit itself, set up a drive-in and has ticketed exclusive streaming links to some new and classic movies. Still, my favorite has to be CineMagic’s fantastic new strategy.

While working in Ladd’s Addition with some clients recently, I noticed the CineMagic marquee: “Beer, Popcorn, and Bad Movies To Go”.

What a pitch!

Every Friday and Saturday from 5 to 9 you can stop by their door to pick up the Movie ‘Deal.’ which “includes Beer/Cider Pack of Your Choice, A Tub of Popcorn, A Candy, & A Randomly Chosen DVD that Probably Isn’t Good”. Apparently, the DVDs of dubious quality are cast offs from a similar promo at a friend’s theater in the suburbs.

These theaters make our neighborhoods so special. Give them some love if you can! Plus, a case of drinks, a bunch of snacks, and a bad movie you can own forever will still run you less than the same at a corporate theater.