Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Here are 5 things you need to do to get your home ready for fall.


Hi, I’m Ash Jimenez, Maintenance Manager and General Contractor for the Living Room Fixer’s maintenance team.

As the weather begins to cool down this is the perfect time to get your home ready for the upcoming start to the rainy season. With that in mind I’m here with 5 tips to help you get you ready for a snug and dry fall season. 


1.Clean out those gutters! 

Did you know that a whopping 90% of water intrusion in basements is caused by faulty downspouts and clogged gutters? Yikes! But don’t worry, we’ve got the scoop on how to prevent this. Taking care of your gutters is a crucial part of home maintenance that can save you from leaky roofs, water damage, and even the dreaded mold. You’ll thank yourself later when you’re relaxing inside, warm and worry-free. 


2. Disconnect Garden Hoses and Insulate Bibs

Leaving water in your hose can lead to some unfortunate mishaps, and we definitely want to avoid that. When the cold weather hits, frozen water can expand and cause your hoses to crack, leaving you with a leaky mess come spring. How do you avoid that? 


First things first, make sure to close the shut-off valves for your bibbs inside your home to prevent freezing. Now, here’s the counter-intuitive part: open all of the hose bibbs and keep them that way for the season. By doing this, any remaining water can easily drain out, preventing any freezing-related headaches when the temps drop.


3. Check On Your Furnace

It’s a fantastic time to take care of your home’s heating and air quality. Consider installing a new furnace filter and giving your furnace a quick check-up to ensure everything is in tip-top shape. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to experience a freezing day with a non-functional furnace! On top of that, doing some vent cleaning right now will keep the air in your home fresh and clean. It’s a win-win for the comfort and well-being of both you and your home.

4. Keep Out The Cold

It’s time to give your windows some love and care. First, let’s throw those windows wide open and clear out any pesky dirt, sand, or dust from the tracks. A quick clean will do wonders! And here’s a pro tip: make sure to lock the windows afterward, as they work their best when they’re locked.


Next up, let’s check for any sneaky drafts or gaps in the windows. If you find any, simply replace any weatherstripping that needs it and re-caulk where necessary. Your windows, and your bank account, will thank you, as you enjoy a cozier and more energy-efficient home.


5. Replace Smoke Detector Batteries

Remember, it’s essential to check the batteries in these life-saving devices once a month, be sure to replace them as needed and keep in mind the expiration date of the unit. This simple habit ensures they’re always ready to alert you in case of any emergencies.

Call Us Today!

 The Living Room Fixers are a full service Maintenance team that can assist you with any of these services and many, many more. If you have any questions at all, call us today, chances are we can fix it.

Fall Maintenance Reminders – Here’s a Scoop

Hi, Readers!

OK, it’s not the most fun work cleaning out your gutters, but guys. You gotta do it. Gutters that don’t drain properly can cause *so* many problems, long term. Grab some kitchen gloves, a spatula, and a ladder and bust a move. Other must-do’s include winterizing your BBQ’s, sealing drafty windows, cleaning laundry vents and sweeping chimneys. I found this GREAT resource for some additional reminders – pay no attention to the hokey stock photos. Trust me, taking the time to do regular home maintenance pays off in the long run. Take care of your house, and your house takes care of you! If you need any resources or referrals for pros who can help with projects, please reach out. I’m here for you.

Till then, happy fall!

High fives,


Gutter Cleaning Time!


Did you know that when we meet our foundation contractors to look at an issue, more times than not, the now very expensive fix was caused by clogged gutters? When gutters aren’t clean and free of debris, they create leaks, clogs, and water pools up at the base of your home, causing foundation issues. Keep your gutters functioning by cleaning them out now (before the rains begin) and in the spring.

About Us: Over the course of their professional partnership, Aryne + Dulcinea have helped hundreds of clients prosper in their new lives. During this time, they have prided themselves in their top-notch selling abilities, with homes outperforming market standards, consistently exceeding list price while most of their listings sell in under 7 days. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Aryne & Dulcinea will work in collaboration to guide you in investing in your future and reaching your real estate goals.

10 Fall Maintenance Tips: Your Home’s Interior

My family has spent as much time as we can outdoors over the summer months. The same is true for most people I know. We have seized every opportunity to take a walk, go on a hike, read a book outdoors, eat dinner on the deck, visit with neighbors. And it’s not just because of COVID (although that certainly was a factor this year). In the Pacific Northwest, we collectively rush outdoors on the first warm-ish day of early spring, and there we stay until the last warm-ish day of fall. We have to. We know how long and dark the rainy season will be.

While we still (hopefully!) have a month or two of nice weather to enjoy, the rain and chilly weather will return. (And don’t tell—but most PNWers secretly love it.) Before that happens, though, there are some important home maintenance chores to tackle to make sure your home is safe and snug for the winter months. Here’s a handy checklist:

  1. Wash your garbage cans and recycling bins. What? Why? I’ll tell you why: those suckers STINK. And you’re much better off hauling your garbage cans and recycling bins outside to wash and dry in the sunshine while there is still sunshine to be had. Just trust me. Is this fun? No? Is it necessary? Yes.
  2. Clean the oven and fridge. As long as you’re cleaning gross things, might as well tackle the oven and refrigerator. De-scum and de-grease the inside of your oven (be sure to follow manufacturer cleaning instructions). It’s nice to get this done before baking a lasagna—or a Thanksgiving turkey!—this fall. Vacuum your refrigerator coils. Remove the contents of the fridge and freezer and wipe down the shelves and drawers before replacing items. If you’re feeling motivated, you can even move the entire unit and vacuum and mop underneath. Let the floor dry completely before moving the fridge back into place.
  3. Washing machine and dryer maintenance. You don’t do this?! (Yeah—me neither. But you should. I should. We) After all, gunky stuff (technical term) can build up in your washing machine over time. Simply run a hot cycle along with a couple of cups of white vinegar, and then wipe down the inside and doors of the machine. Find more detailed instructions here.  For the dryer, you can also wipe down the inside and outside of the machine with a damp rag. Thoroughly clean the lint trap (do this after every load!). Fall is also a great time to make sure that the dryer vent is completely clear—an important step for fire prevention, and to make sure that the dryer operates as efficiently as possible. Check the manufacturer instruction for how to clear the vent, or else your heating system maintenance provider can usually help with this chore. And speaking of . . . .
  4. Heating system maintenance. You might still be running the AC, but it’ll be time to switch to heating your home before you know it. Now is the time to book routine maintenance for your heating system to make sure everything is in working order. Replace the furnace filter, too. If you have a fireplace, now is the time to check the chimney and flue. (You should also order firewood!) If you have a gas-burning fireplace, vacuum any dust and cobwebs, and follow the manufacturer instructions for cleaning and turning the gas back on.
  5. Seal the house. Your heating system might be in perfect order, but you don’t want to heat the neighborhood, right?! Seal any gaps in your home through which warm air can escape. Add door sweeps and weather-stripping to doors, and caulk windows.
  6. Shut down the A/C. While you’re getting your heating system prepped, it’s also time to remove and store any window air conditioning units. If the unit cannot be removed, consider covering the exterior to help protect the device.
  7. Safety Considerations. Do a check of your home and make sure you’re emergency-ready. Test the carbon monoxide and smoke detectors and replace the batteries as necessary. (I like to replace ours when Daylight Savings begins.) Make sure you know where the fire extinguishers are located—and check to see if they have expired. Replace as necessary. Now might also be a good time to do a radon test, particularly if you live in an older home. High levels of radon in the home can cause cancer. You can schedule a test with a professional, or pick up an inexpensive DIY test. Finally, get your power outage kit ready! Put fresh batteries in the flashlights and headlamps, and know where the matches and candles are. Pro tip: keep a pack of cards handy, too!
  8. Keep your friends out. No, not your actual friends. But know that furry and feathery creatures are eager to come in out of the cold, too. In addition to making sure doors and windows are properly sealed, also make sure that pest screens on dryer and attic vents are intact.
  9. Carpet cleaning. If you’ve had windows and doors open all summer, dust and dirt invariably blow into the house—and much of it settles in the carpet. Early fall is an ideal time to have your carpets cleaned because you can open windows to help quickly dry the carpets. Hire a professional, or rent a steam cleaner.
  10. Clean some more! I know spring cleaning is a “thing,” but I like to do a deep clean of our home in the fall, too—before we’re all indoors for months on end. I follow most of the same tips I share in my Spring Cleaning Checklist.

 Whew! You’ve done the hard work, and you’re ready to enjoy being warm and safe at home, all winter long.

10 Fall Maintenance Tips: Your Home’s Exterior

I don’t want to be the one to say it—but fall is just around the corner. While we still have a few solid weeks of summer ahead of us (fingers crossed), leaves are just beginning to change and the air in the mornings is crisp. 

While it’s not quite time to break out your leaf blower and rake, here’s a handy checklist of fall maintenance chores to prep your home’s exterior for colder weather.


  1. Prep Yourself. First thing: enjoy a few chore-free weekends! I mean it. Sit on the front porch and drink your coffee. Grill something. Chat with a neighbor. Shoot some hoops with the kids. Watch the birds. Resist the urge to pull weeds. Once you’ve exhausted yourself with All. That. Fun., it’s time to get prepped. Swing by the hardware store and buy some yard debris bags—you know you’re going to need ‘em. Dig out the rake from the back of the toolshed. Make sure the leaf blower is in working order. (Perhaps grab a few $20s from the ATM to entice your teenager to help) If you don’t plan to tackle leaf and debris cleanup yourself (I’m certainly not judging you!), now would be a good time to schedule yard maintenance for later in the fall, before service providers are completely booked.
  2. Inspect your home. Now—before cold, rainy weather sets in—is the time to carefully eye your home’s exterior. Pay careful attention to the roof, siding, windows, and foundation. Is this the year your home is due for a roof treatment to prevent moss growth? Schedule it! Do you need to caulk windows or the siding? A tube of caulking now is much less expensive than repairs for water damage later.
  3. Safety checks. Do a scan of railings, stair steps, and sidewalks around your home’s exterior. Is everything in good shape? A wobbly step is dangerous under normal circumstances, but on an icy morning, it can be downright treacherous. Make any necessary repairs ASAP.
  4. Clean downspouts and gutters. It’s important for water to have a way to quickly run off the roof. Ask to guttering Glasgow to clear your gutters of leaves and other debris now, before the first big rainstorm of the fall. And if your property has big trees, know that you’re probably going to have to do it a few more times!
  5. Trim the trees. And speaking of trees, fall is the perfect time to trim the trees (not in a holiday way—we’re not there yet!) Rather, hire an arborist or a tree trimming service to prune dead limbs or to pare back limbs that are close to power lines. Think of this as preventative maintenance—a way to keep your trees healthy and to help prevent future (potentially costly) accidents from downed limbs.
  6. Clean and store outdoor furniture. Give your patio or deck furniture a good scrub, allow it to completely dry, and then either store it indoors or cover it with waterproof covers. These items are typically costly, and it’s worth the time and effort to protect your investment! Plus, come springtime, you’ll only need to give outdoor furniture a quick rinse and it will be ready to use!
  7. Empty pots and planters. When the last mums have faded, be sure to completely empty soil from outdoor pots and planters. Use a stiff brush to help knock soil loose. Potting soil left in containers can freeze and expand with cold temperatures, causing pottery to crack. Once your pots and planters are empty and clean, carefully store them in a garden shed or garage.
  8. Clean and store lawn equipment. While you’re not going to want to put away your rake just yet (!), now is a great time to perform any final lawn mower maintenance. It’s also an ideal time to carefully shovels, spades, hoes, gardening hand tools, and pruning shears. (It’s also a good idea to sanitize the latter with a solution of bleach and water to kill any yucky stuff—technical term—that can infect your plants.) Don’t forget to shut off exterior faucets and drain and store garden hoses.
  9. Final lawn maintenance. Here in Oregon and SW Washington, fall is the raking season. You rake, then you rake some more, and then you rake some more. When all the leaves have fallen and before it gets too cold, it’s a perfect time to fertilize and reseed your lawn. ALL that rain that’s coming (I know—I don’t want to think about it yet, either) will make for a lush, green lawn come spring.
  10. Plant bulbs. Now, this part doesn’t feel like a chore. Pick a Saturday in October and get those daffodil, tulip, and hyacinth bulbs in the ground and give yourself a lovely early spring surprise.


When that first really stormy weekend rolls around, you’ll be able to sit by the fireplace in your flannel shirt and fuzzy socks, eat a bowl of chili, and enjoy a feeling of satisfaction knowing that you’re snug as a bug in your winter-ready home!

Shop Talk, Vol. 7: Fall Home Maintenance Projects to Do Before Winter

Portland’s fall season is dreamlike, with brightly-hued autumn foliage lining the city’s streets.

The air never feels as refreshing as it does on an October morning, and we think making use of these magical days is one of the best ways to work through your checklist of fall home maintenance projects. Here are the seasonal home care projects you should undertake.

Say ‘Goodbye’ to Summer Necessities

Summer has come and gone, and so has your need for many of the tools you’ve been using for upkeep. Before winter can catch you off-guard with harsh freezing conditions, be sure to turn off outdooring water systems – shutting off external faucets and draining any sprinkling or irrigation systems.  Be aware that underground irrigation lines can freeze as well, leading to broken pipes and sprinkler heads. In addition, store your hoses and lawn mowers and, if you have a gas-fueled mower, be sure to add fuel stabilizer to prevent degradation of your mower’s internal system.

Take Care of Leaks

A simple task with a big payoff, sealing up any leaks on your home’s exterior is one of the most important projects to complete during the fall. Taking caulk around the perimeter of your home, carefully inspect for any gaps or cracks around pipes, frames and wires. Filling these cracks is a great money-saver – and, when the cold sets in – you’ll be grateful you did!

Reverse the Direction of Your Fan

Your ceiling fans should change direction in accordance with the season. In winter months, be sure your fan is set to a clockwise rotation, which helps redistribute warm air around the room. In warm months, set it to a counter-clockwise rotation to create a cooling sensation.

Clear Out Your Gutters

Over the course of the fall and winter seasons, it is common for this foliage to create blockages in your gutter, impairing its ability to properly direct water away from your home. Left unaddressed, improper drainage can result in extensive water damage to your foundation and roof. Proper gutter maintenance helps prevent damage to your home’s structure and landscaping, which can result in savings exceeding $10,000..

These fall home maintenance projects will work to keep your home in tip-top shape throughout the testing winter months. For projects that require some external help, let Aryne + Dulcinea connect you with one of their local home repair experts!

About Us:
Over the course of their professional partnership, Aryne + Dulcinea have helped over 200 clients prosper in their new lives. During this time, they have prided themselves in their top-notch selling abilities, with homes outperforming market standards, consistently exceeding list price while most of their listings sell in under 7 days. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Aryne & Dulcinea will work in collaboration to guide you in investing in your future and reaching your real estate goals.