Is AI Humanity’s Express Ticket to Nirvana?

We’ve just spent 3 days in New York City attending a terrific national real estate and technology conference called Inman.  As you probably can imagine, there was quite a bit of talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) or if you prefer, the more approachable title that was offered:  Machine Learning.

We hit it all:  tour after tour of all the incredible things you can do with AI?  Big Check.  Reassuring sound bites like “While AI isn’t going to take your job, someone who uses AI probably is!”  Check.  Then came the sleepless nights playing the endless feedback loop of the multitude of Pandora’s Box scenarios to the Terminator soundtrack.  Mmhm. Check-double-check.

But after one such long sleepless night, I headed down to the event space in my end-of-humanity doom spiral and started chatting with another Living Room Realty colleague.  He was elated.  He was giddy.  He was filled with joy after his own night of AI contemplation.  I was stunned and told him of my surprise given my very long night of mental doom scrolling.  He said:  “AI is going to force humanity to a state of Nirvana.”

Buddha as the universal symbol of Nirvana
A Buddha stupa is pictured on occasion of Buddha Purnima festival in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Street Philosophy After Tea and Soup Dumplings

I’m going to spare you the full two-hour conversation that eventually ensued but here’s the gist:

  • “This is New York being New York RIGHT NOW!  That’s all there is.  Just New York being New York at this exact moment.”
  • “So basically you’re saying that AI completely levels the playing field.  If information and access to information is available to everyone then what’s left?  Knowledge isn’t so important anymore.  But knowledge and wisdom are two very different things.

Let’s just say I finally started to fathom his point.  And to you lucky New Yorkers who got some hilarious and/or passionate philosophical snippets as we wandered mid-town, you’re welcome.

Time for Your Superpower

Now how exactly would AI lead us to Nirvana, you ask? Well, when you accept the premise that everything that humanity has done, is doing, or will do, as just the result of a lot of data and a lot of super high-level math, that concept of detachment and release we all hear so much about in our hot-yoga classes doesn’t seem so impossible.

Then all that’s left is to accept AI as your personal task ninja, liberating you from the daily grind.  And that will leave you with potentially quite a lot of time to contemplate humanity’s deeper mission.  Ask yourself, once you automate the mundane, what could you do, imagine, create, or solve?

It’s possible that there could be quite a lot of time to unleash our true creativity helping us tackle real issues like world peace, or at the very least, a more reliable Wi-Fi or cell signal.

So did I use AI to write this Blog?  Yup.

How much of Chat GPT made it in my final edit?  Maybe 7%?

Did I save any time?  Not this time.  It’s my first go around but I can see the potential there.

Is this Blog better because of the brainstorming and research I did in Chat GPT first?  For sure!

Have I 100% stepped out of the Pandora’s Box camp? …  …  … …

So now that I understand AI and how it will lead me to enlightenment, what will I focus on moving forward?  What is worthy of all the time I’m evidently now going to find for truly important and meaningful activity?   It’s the real estate training industry’s favorite question to ask: What are you really good at?  What is your superpower?

I think Chat GPT has finally helped me answer that question:  Editing.

Kari McGee
