New Year, New Home: Homebuying in 2024

Time to gear up for the holidays (or not, for those who don’t partake) and think of those new year “resolutions”. With the new year looming upon us, what better way to start it than with a new home of your own? Whether you’re a first time buyer or upgrading to the next bigger & better thing, now’s a great time to kickstart a plan for your housing goals!

You’ve likely heard the rumors; mortgage rates are coming down in 2024. Some projections include numbers coming down as low as the high 4-percent range (whoa!). While it’s important to note that these are all predictions, we are likely going to see some sort of positive change with mortgage rates sometime in the new year.

While any sort of drop in rates is most certainly helpful for homebuyers, keep this in mind: lower rates, higher competition. Read that one more time to really let that (likely possibility) sink in. It may not come as a surprise that the housing market starts to heat up once rates come down; it totally makes sense! How can you avoid a potential homebuying frenzy and multiple offer situation, you ask? Get started on your homebuying journey while it’s still seasonably slow! This will also create an opportunity to refinance as soon as you’re able — especially if those rates do fall to some reasonable numbers in the near future.

Want more info? Reach out to me directly, I’d love to assist with your home buying and selling needs!

Saddle Up: Your Guide to Homeownership


PSA: My buyer guides are officially HOT off the iron! While it may be slightly intimidating or even difficult to gauge where exactly to start on your homebuying journey, my homebuyer guides are here to lay out a general timeline of what you can expect when purchasing a home in the Portland metro area. My goal is to ensure you have a great understanding of this exciting yet huge new chapter of your life! What better than to have a guide to refer to plus having the consistent communication from using me as your realtor every step of the way? Representation during your home purchase is vital and I’ll be sure to advocate for you to the best of my ability!

Interested on getting your hands on a guide of your very own? I’d love to give ya one! Either in person, snail mail, or carrier pigeon: email me for more info and let’s get started on your homebuying journey today!

Finding Queer Sanctuary in Portland

While there is much to be celebrated within the queer community, there is also much to be on edge for; the evergrowing hate for our community speaks volumes and so does the silence of our allies. Finding queer sanctuary is crucial, whether that come in the form of a physical or spiritual space. Queer sanctuary refers to a space where one can be their most authentic selves. Luckily, Portland is no stranger to these sort of spaces nor the queer community.

I’ve had the pleasure and honor to advocate for clients who hailed to Portland to find a queer sanctuary of their own. Whether that be by choice or necessity, it brings complete joy to see fellow queers take up as much space as they (so deservedly) can. Note: Not everyone has the luxury or means to move across the country, uproot their lives elsewhere, etc. A large number of my clients jumped through many obstacles to make their dreams a reality; I commend them for their exhaustive efforts and am so proud.

Finding sanctuary is essential for queer individuals to thrive, feel accepted, and to build a supportive community. Whether that be here in Portland or elsewhere. A reminder that queer sanctuary, whether that be people or places or homes,  are out there waiting to welcome you with open arms.

Happy pride, everyone!