How to Choose Your Buyer

No doubt it is exciting to receive multiple offers on your home, but when it comes time to actually accept an offer it’s not uncommon for sellers to feel torn or unclear as to which is the best offer for them (it can be different for every seller).

Home offers are hard to interpret so I wanted to offer some helpful tips for when you find yourself in a multiple offer situation (perhaps a Part I?):

—Offer language tells a lot 📝

A purchase offer clearly indicates a buyer’s intentions (along with the more obvious details like if they are qualified, ready to purchase and have a lender in place). In a pool of offers, a realtor with the right skills will identify those that are authentic and well considered.

—The buyer’s agents’ communication style 🗣️

When you sit down with your agent always ask about their take on the agent representing the other party. Communication style, what they say or don’t say, can say a lot about how the transaction can go. Keep your eye out for the agent that will ask well-constructed questions, will make sure to put forth a well-written offer, and educate the buyer about the terms discussed.

—Buyer’s past experience in the market 🏡

Have they been looking for a week or 3 months? Have they had issues with their past offers? Paying attention to details like past contracts, finances, and people involved in the purchase decision gives you a more robust understanding the offer and will help set expectations moving forward.

Did you find these tips helpful? Let me know if I should make a Part II.

Also! I share a lot more insights as a part of my monthly newsletter. I keep these correspondences very intentional and insightful. If you want to join my list, call or email me.

Tips For Safely Selling Your Property in a Pandemic

It’s March 15th, 2020 and we are at the beginning of a Covid-19 outbreak in the greater Portland area. That might be scary for a lot of reasons but particularly for property owners who need or want to sell their homes this spring, while they are still living in their properties.

Well, stay calm because we have some great tools that will allow us to effectively and safely market your property to a large buyer audience while minimizing the risk of bringing Covid-19 to your personal residence.

Watch our latest video to see how we’re using technology to help buyers decide that they are serious about purchasing your property before they even walk through your front door! And check out an example of our 3-D tour.