Moving to Mt Bike Country!

It is so exciting to see clients and friends’ lives progressing through the lens of working in Real Estate. I met Brandon while working at Plywerk, we got along well and when it came time for Brandon to buy his first home we got him a great place in Lents. The home is great, but on the ‘efficient’ size of things.


Recently, we met again at his home to set up a search for the ‘next’ home. Brandon now has a partner and the desire to get out of town to a home with a bit more room,  and within easy access to Mt Biking trails,  started to take a bigger priority.  We looked in all the little nooks and crannies within an hour of Portland and decided to come back to the first home we toured. Fortunately, this gem was still on the market.


On Monday Brandon and Brook turned the key to their new home in Sandy, OR just a few miles from the Sand Ridge Trail.


“Sandy Ridge is a must-ride area on an Oregon mountain biking road trip, or a great option for Portland based riders looking for fun downhill mountain bike trails.”
Next up will be the sale of the Lents home so keep your eye out and If you’re looking for a real estate professional, give me a call!